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Questions About My New e-SIM Tariff with iPhone 15 Pro - Can I Use It Before Delivery and Expected Delivery Time?



Hey everyone,

Two days ago I’ve signed up for a new tariff for an e-SIM with iPhone 15 Pro. It said “Längere Lieferzeit” for the model that I picked, and there was no indication of expected delivery time.

I have two questions regarding to this:

1- Currently I don’t have an Austrian SIM so I was wondering if I can use the SIM up front, before the phone is delivered?

2- What is the expected duration of delivery? A week, a month? More?


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4 Antworten auf diese Frage

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Am 28.9.2023 um 22:46 schrieb tunc:

1- Currently I don’t have an Austrian SIM so I was wondering if I can use the SIM up front, before the phone is delivered?

Hello if I understand correctly you want to use the ESIM already before the ordered mobile phone is delivered ?


Am 28.9.2023 um 22:46 schrieb tunc:

2- What is the expected duration of delivery? A week, a month? More?

The delivery time can currently vary greatly, so unfortunately we can't give an exact statement, but it can take a few weeks.

LG :) 

(Sorry my english is not the best) 

Bearbeitet von kilian3845
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Hello @tunc

If the availability of a device says that longer delivery times are to be expected, it is difficult to name a time slot. It can be 2, 3 or even 4 weeks.
It also always depends on the manufacturer's deliveries.

Basically, the SIM card is always delivered with the mobile phone.
If this is different possible in your case, please ask the service team at 0676 2000. Best regards, Karo

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