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Fiberbox 1 - WLAN6 - took too long to respond





I've had the gigakraft gaming 300 (Fiberbox 1? WLAN6 - black router) installed recently, but when I try to access the admin page ( or even I get the browser saying " toot too long to respond".

If I remove the fiber link, and restart it, only then I get to, but just in a read only view. If I plug the link back in, no more access to the page.


Is there something that I am missing about this?

How can I get to the admin page and change the most basic settings for the wi-fi, etc.?


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Hey @Cosmin
The new black Internet Fiber Home Box can currently only be configured through the Mein Magenta App.

Currently only some options in regards to the WiFi can be changed.

Some instructions for the configuration of the Internet Fiber Home Box can be found here (in German): Hardware Support

I've heard that some field technicians say that more configuration options should be added in the future.

regards NTM

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Am 15.10.2022 um 22:34 schrieb NTM:

Hey @Cosmin
The new black Internet Fiber Home Box can currently only be configured through the Mein Magenta App.

Currently only some options in regards to the WiFi can be changed.

Some instructions for the configuration of the Internet Fiber Home Box can be found here (in German): Hardware Support

I've heard that some field technicians say that more configuration options should be added in the future.

regards NTM

Is there a reason for this? 

I mean isnt the black Fiber Box marketed for heavy internet users? thats exactly the group of people that would at least basic settings like fierewall, vlan, modem mode etc

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I just came to the community to ask the exact same thing. I got the black Internet Fiber Home Box installed today and wanted to set it up properly and I cannot access it. The settings in the app are about as useful as not having access at all. 

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The most annoying thing is that I came from a different contract and I just moved. Something went wrong so they had to cancel my old contract and start a new one. The contract details are the exact same but the router is different... my previous router at least allowed me to access albeit with not that many settings. But it was workable. This this is just nonsense...


Magenta, Bitte, geb uns ein alternatives Router oder geb die Router Seite frei..

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb bogec:

Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es jemand anderes versucht hat, aber ich werde anrufen und darum bitten, einen verwaltbaren Router bereitzustellen.


Es sollte möglich sein über die Hotline oder in einem Shop eine ältere Fiber Box 1 oder Fiber Box 2 zu bekommen welche mehr Optionen bieten. In manchen Shop kann es sogar Fritz!Box 6660 Cable geben, aber nicht in allen.


It should be possible to get an Fiber Box 1 or Fiber Box 2 via the Hotline or in a Store. These provide at least some configuration options. Some Stores might also have the Fritz!Box 6660 Cable in stock but not all of them.


Am 21.10.2022 um 12:16 schrieb NiklasTscheppe:

Is there a reason for this? 

I mean isnt the black Fiber Box marketed for heavy internet users? thats exactly the group of people that would at least basic settings like fierewall, vlan, modem mode etc

The marketing of the new Home Box Fiber focuses on the improved WiFi. This box has WiFi 6 with 4x4 MiMo on both 2.4 and 5 GHz. This is compared to WiFi 5 with 3x3 MiMo in the Fiber Box 1 and WiFi 5 with 4x4 MiMo in the Fiber Box 2. 

I would also be interested why it was deemed to be alright to release the the product like this


Das Marketing der neuen Home Box Fiber dreht sich hauptsächlich um das verbesserte W-Lan. Die neue Box hat nun WiFi 6 mit 4x4 MiMo sowohl im 2.4 und 5 GHz band. Dies ist im Vergleich zu WiFi 5 mit 3x3 MiMo in der Fiber Box 1 und WiFi 5 mit 4x4 MiMo in der Fiber Box 2.

Ich Frage mich auch warum es als okey empfunden wurde die Box so an Kunden auszuliefern.

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Yes, you can call Magenta and they will provide you with an older Modem. 

But id be cautious:

there is a Problem with some older models (see my posthistory) causing them to not get full speed and to lose connection multiple times a day. For me the only solution was to get this new modem. 

I guess the reason they rushed the release/delivery of this product is that bug. 

my solution: i own a router from Ubiquity. So i just disabled the wifi with the manual wifi button on the front of the router and im using the wifi of my private one


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The Magenta app doesn't let you modify anything, the SSID which is at least a basic config, in the app is always returning "Retry" and doesn't do a thing. 

If Magenta would want to implement something, then it shouldn't be in such a bad manner that the user regrets choosing it. Cause I, not knowing this is a big NO, and with the first occasion to change from Magenta I will if the App is not going to improve.


That's a first... the provider setting up your router, giving you no viable alternative to his forceful implementation. Not only this robs the user from the free of choice, but it's also a bad experience and with negative outlook.


Wish I would have listened to my wife... and she's not a tech head

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