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KLAX M Aktivierung für EU Roaming



How do I activate EU Roaming outside of Austria?  I can't seem to find any information online about how this is done. 
I have the Pre-paid KLAX M plan, but I am unsure how to use my data in other EU countries.  I was just in Switzerland, and I unfortunately couldn't use my data.  What's the trick? Thanks!

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How do I activate EU Roaming outside of Austria?  I can't seem to find any information online about how this is done. 
I have the Pre-paid KLAX M plan, but I am unsure how to use my data in other EU countries.  I was just in Switzerland, and I unfortunately couldn't use my data.  What's the trick? Thanks!

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Hello @gb24 and welcome to the Magenta Community,


Did you register your prepaid card from a foreign address? If so, please note the following: The prerequisite for using Roam like at Home in the EU on the basis of a value card (prepaid SIM card) is registration of the participant and proof of permanent residence or a stable connection in Austria.


A stable bond means a presence in Austria, including cross-border commuters. This results, for example, from: a long-term employment contract a university degree in Austria an official registration form in the case of SIM cards used for business purposes, proof of an excerpt from the company register or a domestic billing address for the provision of services in Austria.


Please also note that data roaming in Switzerland is very expensive and it is better to buy a prepaid card from a Swiss provider


You can also find more information about roaming here:https://www.magenta.at/hilfe-service/roaming/eu-roaming


Best regards








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Thank you very much for the reply, Georgie!

Yes, I should've clarified that I was also in Germany briefly (Munich Flughafen) but unfortunately could not use the data. 

I'll note for next time to use a Swiss-Sim and completely forgot that Suisse isn't part of EU!  Thanks for that clarification. 

I suspect when I bought the SIM from T-Mobile and they took my US Passport, they possibly registered me as non-resident, even though I have a job here and will be leaving here for the next year or more.  Do you think I could change my residency status with T-Mobil to allow me to use the data in other EU countries? Thanks!

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It doesn't matter, from which country you are ;) Roam-like-at-Home is not activated automatically, it must be activated. You can do that in a Magenta Shop, you need your prepaid card, the passport and an employment contract or an official registration form. Then you can use your tariff in all EU countries as long as you stay in Austria.


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