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Ipv4 as default





My router has default as ipv6. But I need ipv4 as default. 


I tried to find email or relevant contact form (that's not from the 90s). But turns out it doesn't exist. 


I wrote an email to myservice@magenta.at, no reply. Not sure if proper customer service exists in Magenta. 


How do I get magenta to do this simple task? Thanks! 

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Hey @sudobhat

The easiest way to tell Magenta that you would like your connection to be switched from IPv4 to IPv6 would at this time be to call customer service. You can off course also try the contact from where you can send a message to the customer service team (this may take longer). I would classify this inquiry under "Vertrag und Rechnung" (contract and billing). You can also get in touch with customer care via Facebook or Twitter direct message.

regards NTM

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