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  • Letzter Besuch

Letzte Besucher des Profils

Der "Letzte Profil-Besucher"-Block ist deaktiviert und wird anderen Benutzern nicht angezeit.

  1. Hey, I don't know if anyone has encountered this but I had a problem with constant drops in ms teams, messenger and whatsapp connections and even 10-15% packet loss. I finally managed to determine that after adding the computer to the DMZ the problem disappeared, wow
  2. @Klaximaxi43 Yes, that's exactly the kind of set T-Mobile offers in its 5G/LTE 300mbps leasing offer
  3. Hey, unfortunately the command doesn't work on my device, maybe the fw version is too new? $('li[style*="display:none"]').show() but it works by adding the code: <li id="leftmenu_system_eng_general"><a onClick="return loadHTML('/system/system_eng_general.html');"><span>General</span></a></li> <li id="leftmenu_system_eng_lte_ca"><a onClick="return loadHTML('/system/system_eng_lte_ca.html');"><span>LTE CA Info</span></a></li> <li id="leftmenu_system_eng_rf_band" style="display:none"><a onClick="return loadHTML('/system/system_eng_rf_band.html');"><span>RF Band Info</span></a></li> <li id="leftmenu_system_eng_log2device"><a onClick="return loadHTML('/system/system_eng_log2device.html');"><span>On-Device Logging</span></a></li> <li id="leftmenu_system_eng_log_collector"><a onClick="return loadHTML('/system/system_eng_log_collector.html');"><span>Logs Collector</span></a></li> <li id="leftmenu_system_device_tr069"><a onClick="return loadHTML('/system/system_device_tr069.html');"><span>TR-069</span></a></li> Are there any other hidden tabs known? e.g. band aggregation and forcing?