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Cancellation in English



I recently subscribed to Magenta TV through my Magenta account and then downloaded the TV app onto my android phone. Problem is I used my home Internet account and not my phone account. Now I have 2 subscriptions,1 on my phone and the other on my home Internet. I need help to cancel the TV from my home Internet. Could someone please help me walk through this small problem in English. Much appreciated 

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5 Antworten auf diese Frage

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Hello @Matplease select one of your contracts in the app for which you have activated the TV S additional option and deactivate the option again. You are also welcome to contact our service line at 0676 2000 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) so that our colleagues can remove the option for you. Best regards, Doris

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thank you Doris it seems that when I open TV and entertainment packet the deinst stoppen Button doesn't work. it Shows  the active button in green,  Will the deinst stoppen button be available closer to the trial period expiring date?

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