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Beiträge erstellt von chungtd

  1. Mein Vertrag wurde gekündigt und die Nummer ist nicht mehr aktiv. Ich konnte mich nicht mehr in mein Magenta-Konto einloggen.
    Aber mir wurde eine Rechnung zugeschickt, also muss ich den Support kontaktieren, um diese anzufordern.

    Jedes Mal, wenn ich Mobile ausgewählt habe, wird eine Aufforderung zum Einloggen angezeigt. 

    Wie kann ich den Support ohne aktive Nummer kontaktieren?


    Vielen dank!

  2. hi all,

    I need your help. I moved to another country so I submitted documents to terminate my on-going contract with Magenta. Afterwards, my number was no longer able to use.

    Today, I received an email with a new invoice. 

    Could you please help to check if something is wrong with it?

    Thank you very much.

    Best regards,


  3. Dear the team,


    I saw this month, my bill was higher than previous months. So, I would like to check what were the reasons.

    But, I was not able to access the detailed previous invoice.

    Something had changed in the website so it was not possible.

    Could you please help?

    Many thanks!

  4. Hello,

    I just got the email with the bill for January 2016. It was in more than double comparing to other months.

    I am using SMART Net 1000 for 2 years. The bill is around 13-15 EUR per month.

    This month, it became more than 30 EUR for no-reason.

    Could you tell me why?

    P/s. I tried to call Hotline service but they weren't able to speak English! Too bad for a big company like T-Mobile. 

    I am wanting to terminate contract with T-Mobile and use another service provider.