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Beiträge erstellt von MikeIndespair

  1. Hi everyone,


    My internet was installed one week ago and I was given an Internet fiber box to access it. My problem is that the box's wifi does not work. I can use the internet but only if I connect my laptop to the box via a cable. I called Magenta and they told me that the wifi is not activated and they will activate it. This has happened multiple times, every time  they give my a new timeframe after which it should work but it never does. I can say that they have rebooted my internet/modem 2 additional times (I had to log in again into the 192.... address using the old code below the box and set up everything from the beginning). Did anyone have a similar situation. I am interested in how long it will take for them to figure out and correct the problem. After a number of calls, hang-ups, and days of waiting I am fed up.


